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Smart Cat AG Touchpad

by Cirque Corporation

The Smart Cat AG Touchpad from Cirque Corporation offers highly responsive cursor control combined with advanced functionality. Cursor tracking with the Smart Cat is accurate and reliable - always following the "point of first contact", unlike other ...

The Smart Cat AG Touchpad from Cirque Corporation offers highly responsive cursor control combined with advanced functionality. Cursor tracking with the Smart Cat is accurate and reliable - always following the "point of first contact", unlike other less-advanced touchpad devices that can have difficulty when a second contact is accidentally made. This popular model of the Cirque Touchpad family offers an affordable ergonomic alternative to a mouse without sacrificing functionality. The low profile virtually eliminates the potential for wrist extension and the ambidextrous design accommodates use with either hand for those who wish to spread the load between hands.

The Smart Cat AG offers both single and multi-finger gestures to provide quick access to standard functions of left and right clicking, zoom, scroll, pan and as well as other actions. The Smart Cat AG is also equipped with 4 mechanical buttons that by default perform standard left, right and middle clicks but which can also be programmed using the Glidepoint Driver* to complete custom commands or functions.
Note: Multi-finger gestures, some of the Special Features, and custom programming are only available with the Windows OS GlidePoint driver installed. Those operating Mac OS can access standard touchpad features of cursor control and clicking as plug-and-play functions.

Those looking for expanded functionality and touch-activated command options may be interested in considering the Smart Cat Pro AG which offers numerous additional features and even greater programmability.

*Cirque offers a legacy Glidepoint driver which supports custom programming which is certified for Windows 8, and while not guaranteed, will typically function in Windows 10 and 11 (although it will not support some of the new features of these later versions of Windows). For more information please visit the CirqueDriver Support Page.

Le Smart Cat AG Touchpad de Cirque Corporation offre un contrôle du curseur combinée avec une fonctionnalité avancée. Le suivi du curseur avec le Smart Cat est précis et fiable - il suit toujours le "point de premier contact", contrairement à d'autres touchpads moins avancés qui peuvent rencontrer des difficultés lorsqu'un deuxième contact est accidentellement établi. Ce modèle populaire de la famille Cirque Touchpad offre une alternative ergonomique et économique à la souris, sans sacrifier la fonctionnalité. Le profil bas élimine pratiquement tout risque d'extension du poignet et la conception ambidextre permet d'utiliser l'une ou l'autre main pour ceux qui souhaitent divisé les tâches entre les deux mains.

Le Smart Cat AG offre des gestes à un ou plusieurs doigts pour permettre un accès rapide aux fonctions standard de clic gauche et droit, de zoom, de défilement, de panoramique et d'autres actions. Le Smart Cat AG est également équipé de quatre boutons mécaniques qui, par défaut, font les clics gauche et droit standard aussi que des middle clics, mais qui peuvent également être programmés pour compléter des commandes ou des fonctions personnalisées.

Veuillez noter: Les gestes à plusieurs doigts, quelques caractéristiques spéciales, et la programmation personnalisée ne sont disponibles que si le pilote GlidePoint de Windows OS est installé. Les utilisateurs de Mac OS peuvent accéder aux fonctions standard du touchpad (contrôle du curseur et clics) comme plug-and-play.

Ceux qui recherchent des fonctionnalités étendues et une gamme plus large d'options de commandes activées par le toucher peuvent être intéressés par le touchpad Smart Cat Pro AG qui offre plusieurs fonctions supplémentaires et une programmabilité encore plus grande.

Click Here for Models and Accessories Information

Model #DescriptionSynnex SKU
GP410U-5021USB interface,Black Housing4925192

RollerMouse Pro3

by Contour Design Inc.

The RollerMouse Pro3 by Contour Design is a central pointing device that positions immediately between the operator and keyboard space bar.This keeps all mousing activity "inline", i.e., in the area immediately in front of the keyboard, eliminating t ...

The RollerMouse Pro3 by Contour Design is a central pointing device that positions immediately between the operator and keyboard space bar.This keeps all mousing activity "inline", i.e., in the area immediately in front of the keyboard, eliminating the need to reach for a mouse. This also makes it suitable for use where there may be insufficient room for a mouse to be placed immediately beside the keyboard. Like all RollerMouse products, cursor movement is achieved by manipulating the tube-like cylindrical "rollerbar" with the fingertips. Rotating the rollerbar moves the cursor up and down, and sliding the bar from side to side accomplishes horizontal movement. Once the desired location is achieved, a left click can be generated by pressing down on the bar (the force required for this is adjustable from an ultra-light touch to highly tactile). The rollerbar mechanism is undergirded by a sturdy aluminum base that provides overall rigidity and keeps the RollerMouse from shifting position.

The cursor speed button located between the copy and paste buttons facilitates rapid selection between the ten cursor speed settings that range from 600 to 2400 dpi, ideal when work requires both fine control as well as rapid movement across multiple screens. Five buttons and a scroll wheel are located below the bar to generate left/middle/right clicks, copy, paste and vertical scrolling. All button functions can also be customized using the downloadable driver. The Pro3 comes equipped with optional adjustable keyboard "risers" that can be installed to elevate low profile conventional and compact single piece keyboards. The body of the RollerMouse Pro3 serves as an integrated palm support, with padded leatherette cushions that can be detached for cleaning if necessary. If a larger and more cushioned palm support is desired the RollerWave3 Accessory can be purchased separately.

The RollerMouse Pro3 offers less access to the rollerbar, just 6.6", than either the RollerMouse Free3 or the RollerMouse Red. It also has a slightly shorter travel distance than either of those models. As a result, when working with multiple screens it will usually be necessary to employ a higher cursor speed setting. Doing this will help avoid activating the end detection that automatically moves the cursor to the far side of the screen. If regularly working across dual or triple monitors either the RollerMouse Free3 or RollerMouse Red models would be more suitable options as they both offer a greater range of cursor movement before the end detection function is activated.

View the entire range of RollerMouse products here.

La RollerMouse Pro3 par Contour Design est un dispositif de pointage central qui va immédiatement entre l`utilisateur et le clavier sous la barre d'espace. Toute l'activité de la souris reste ainsi "en ligne", c'est-à-dire dans la zone située immédiatement devant le clavier, ce qui évite de s`étirer pour chercher la souris. Cela permet également de l'utiliser dans les endroits où l'espace est insuffisant pour placer une souris juste à côté du clavier. Comme tous les RollerMice, l'utilisateur déplace le curseur en faisant glisser une barre de contrôle cylindrique avec le bout des doigts pour déplacer le curseur "haut" et "bas" et en faisant glisser cette barre d'un côté à l'autre pour un mouvement horizontal. Une fois l'emplacement souhaité atteint, l'utilisateur peut générer un clic gauche en appuyant sur la barre (la force nécessaire pour cela est réglable de ultra-légère à très tactile). Le mécanisme de la barre de roulement est soutenu par une base en aluminium robuste qui offre la rigidité générale et empêche la RollerMouse de se déplacer.

Le bouton de vitesse du curseur, situé entre les boutons copier et coller, facilite la sélection rapide entre les dix réglages de vitesse du curseur, qui vont de 600 à 2400 dpi, ce qui est idéal lorsque le travail exige à la fois un contrôle fin et un déplacement rapide sur plusieurs écrans. Cinq boutons et une molette de défilement sont situés sous la barre pour générer des clics gauche/milieu/droit, copier, coller et défilement vertical. Toutes les fonctions des boutons peuvent également être personnalisées à l'aide du pilote téléchargeable. La Pro3 est également livré avec des "risers" ajustablent pour soulever les claviers conventionnels et mince (d`un morceau et non pas pour les claviers séparer ou ajustable). Le boîtier de la RollerMouse Pro3 sert d'un support intégré pour les paumes, avec des coussins en similicuir rembourrés qui peuvent être détachés pour être nettoyés si nécessaire. Si désiré, un support pour les paumes qui est plus grand et mieux rembourré, l'accessoire RollerWave3 Accessory peut être acheté séparément.

La RollerMouse Pro3 offre moins d'accès à la barre cylindrique, seulement 6.6po, que la RollerMouse Free3 ou la RollerMouse Red. Sa distance de déplacement est également légèrement inférieure à celle de ces deux modèles. Par conséquent, en travaillant avec plusieurs écrans, il sera généralement nécessaire d'utiliser une vitesse du curseur plus élevé. Cela aidera à éviterer ainsi d'activer la détection de fin de course (end detection) qui déplace automatiquement le curseur vers l'autre côté de l'écran. Si l'utilisateur travaille régulièrement sur deux ou trois écrans, les modèles RollerMouse Free3 ou RollerMouse Red sont des options plus appropriées car ils offrent tous deux une plus grande gamme de mouvement du curseur avant que la fonction de détection de fin de course (end detection) ne soit activée.

Pour voir tout la gamme des produits RollerMouse, voir ici .

Click Here for Models and Accessories Information

Model #DescriptionSynnex SKU
RM-PRO3RollerMouse Pro3, USB, Black

Mousetrapper Advance 2.0

by MouseTrapper

The Mousetrapper Advance 2.0 is an inline / central pointing device that is based around the innovative "steering control pad" that incorporates features and concepts of both a touchpad and a treadmill. The silicone-coated, slip-free steering pad req ...

The Mousetrapper Advance 2.0 is an inline / central pointing device that is based around the innovative "steering control pad" that incorporates features and concepts of both a touchpad and a treadmill. The silicone-coated, slip-free steering pad requires only finger-tip pressure to achieve precise cursor movement (up to 2000 DPI), left click activation and vertical scrolling. Unlike traditional touch pads where the finger is moved across a static surface, the fingertips are used to dynamically move the steering pad, sliding it left or right and "running" it up and down in treadmill-like fashion. The fingers can rest on the steering pad between mouse activation tasks, with a left click being activated anywhere on the steering pad by simply pressing down against the pad. Because the fingers are physically moving the steering pad there is a much greater degree of tactile feedback than is provided by traditional touchpads, which in turn facilitates a greater degree of accuracy and control. As well, because the steering pad is not touch-sensitive there is no fear of movement disruption if additional fingers contact the steering pad - in fact, most people will naturally use multiple fingers to move the pad, making it a more natural movement than traditional touchpad control. The two-dimensional steering pad also offers an intuitive interface that for some may be easier to adjust to than rollerbars, touchpads or trackballs.

Six buttons adjacent to the steering pad provide quick access to double click, right click, left click, cruise (scroll)-up, and cruise (scroll)-down functions. All click functions can be re-programmed or customized using the optional MT Keys software which offers a wide range of keyboard short cut or macro options as well as cursor DPI adjustment. An integrated "keyboard support" pad can also be folded out to elevate low profile keyboards or stored below the Mousetrapper when using more traditional keyboards.

The body of the Mousetrapper Advance also serves as a palm support to help minimize the risk of wrist extension with replaceable Lycra-covered pads offering cushioning to reduce pressure points against the palms and wrists. Like most central pointing devices, the Mousetrapper Advance requires no overextension of the shoulder joint, and can significantly reduce the risk of repetitive strain injuries to the muscles of the shoulder and upper back.

The Advance 2.0 differs from the Advance (SMT417) cosmetically by being available in two models with stylish accent colours: white (MT112) or turquoise (MT113). Functional differences include six programmable buttons instead of five — the central button on the Advance has been replaced in the 2.0 with two scroll buttons for up and down. In addition, the palm supports on the Advance 2.0 are replaceable (unlike those on the Advance), which makes cleaning the palm supports much easier.

The Mousetrapper Advance 2.0 est un dispositif de pointage central qui utilise un mécanism de tapis roulant (un hybride entre un touchpad et treadmill) pour le mouvement du curseur aussi que les actions du clic gauche. Le pad pilotage est fabriqué avec une surface enduit de silicone, onduté, qui offre le control façile des doigts, et exige le dextérité minimal pour bouger le curseur. La surface du pad est effectivement un matiériel adhérence sur les doigts, qui façilite le mouvement du pad pilotage. Le control exige l'effort minimale car le pad bouge sans effort. Ce niveau de fonctionnalité peut être opposer des touchpads lorsqu`on glisse le doigt sur une surface static qui ne bouge pas.

Le pad pilotage sur l`Advance 2.0 offre le défilement à deux dimensions aussi que défilement vertical. Le clic gauche peut ce faire n'importe endroit sur le pad de pilotage. Les boutons autour du pad pilotage offre l`acces au double clic, clic gauche, clic droite, et les fonctions du clic de millieu. 

Le Mousetrapper Advance 2.0 a des supports de paume en lycra qui sont remplacable. Il y a aussi un tapis flexible en couleur gris qui est attacher pour mêtre un clavier dessus. Comme la plus part des dispositif de pointage centrals, le Mousetrapper Advance 2.0 empêche de s'étirer trop dans la jointure de l`épaule, et peut considérablement réduire les blessures dans les muscles du cou et le haut du dos.

L`Advance 2.0 est différent que l`Advance (SMT417)  cosmétiquement en étant disponible en deux modèles avec des couleurs vives: blanc (MT112) ou turquoise (MT113). Les différences fonctionnelles incluent six boutons programmables au lieu de cinq — le bouton central de l’Advance a été remplacé dans la version 2.0 par deux boutons de défilement pour le haut et le bas. De plus, les supports de paume de l`Advance 2.0 sont remplaçables (contrairement à ceux de l`Advance), ce qui facilite grandement le nettoyage des supports de paume.

Click Here for Models and Accessories Information

Model #DescriptionSynnex SKU
MT112Mousetrapper Advance 2.0, USB, Lycra covered Palm Supports, Black with White Accents
MT113Mousetrapper Advance 2.0, USB, Lycra covered Palm Supports, Black with Turquoise Accents
Model #DescriptionSynnex SKU
TB201 Mousetrapper Armrest for Advance 2.0 and Prime
TB204 Mousetrapper Replacement USB Cable, Black
TB212 Mousetrapper Replacement Palm Support Advance 2.0, Black/White
TB213 Mousetrapper Replacement Palm Support Advance 2.0, Black/Turquoise

Smart Cat Pro AG Touchpad

by Cirque Corporation

The Smart Cat Pro AG Touchpad from Cirque Corporation offers highly responsive cursor control combined with advanced functionality. Cursor tracking with the Smart Cat Pro is accurate and reliable - always following the "point of first contact", unlik ...

The Smart Cat Pro AG Touchpad from Cirque Corporation offers highly responsive cursor control combined with advanced functionality. Cursor tracking with the Smart Cat Pro is accurate and reliable - always following the "point of first contact", unlike other less-advanced touchpad devices that can have difficulty when a second contact is accidentally made. This popular model of the Cirque Touchpad family offers an affordable ergonomic alternative to a mouse without sacrificing functionality. The low profile virtually eliminates the potential for wrist extension and the ambidextrous design accommodates use with either hand for those who wish to spread the load between hands.

The Smart Cat Pro AG offers both single and multi-finger gestures to provide quick access to standard functions of left and right clicking, zoom, scroll, pan and as well as other actions. The Smart Cat Pro also features four one-touch zones that can be custom programmed for a wide range of shortcuts or actions. The four mechanical buttons by default perform standard left, right and middle clicks but, by using the Glidepoint Driver* can also be programmed to complete custom commands or functions.
Note: Multi-finger gestures, some of the Special Features, and custom programming are only available with the Windows OS GlidePoint driver installed. Those operating Mac OS can access standard touchpad features of cursor control and clicking as plug-and-play functions.

*Cirque offers a legacy Glidepoint driver which supports programming of the 4 tap surface areas on the left side of the touchpad as well as the mechanical buttons. The driver is certified for Windows 8, and while not guaranteed, will typically function in Windows 10 and 11 (although it will not support some of the new features of these later versions of Windows). For more information please visit the CirqueDriver Support Page.

Le Smart Cat Pro AG Touchpad de Cirque Corporation offre un contrôle du curseur combinée avec une fonctionnalité avancée. Le suivi du curseur avec le Smart Cat Pro est précis et fiable - il suit toujours le "point de premier contact", contrairement à d'autres touchpads moins avancés qui peuvent rencontrer des difficultés lorsqu'un deuxième contact est accidentellement établi. Ce modèle populaire de la famille Cirque Touchpad offre une alternative ergonomique et économique à la souris, sans sacrifier la fonctionnalité. Le profil bas élimine pratiquement tout risque d'extension du poignet et la conception ambidextre permet d'utiliser l'une ou l'autre main pour ceux qui souhaitent divisé les tâches entre les deux mains.

Le Smart Cat Pro AG offre des gestes à un ou plusieurs doigts pour permettre un accès rapide aux fonctions standard de clic gauche et droit, de zoom, de défilement, de panoramique et d'autres actions. Le Smart Cat Pro AG est également équipé de quatre zones à touche unique qui peuvent être programmées pour une grande gamme de raccourcis ou d'actions. Et les quatre boutons mécaniques font par défaut les clics gauche et droit standard aussi que des middle clics, mais qui peuvent également être programmés pour compléter des commandes ou des fonctions personnalisées.

Veuillez noter: Les gestes à plusieurs doigts, quelques caractéristiques spéciales, et la programmation personnalisée ne sont disponibles que si le pilote GlidePoint de Windows OS est installé. Les utilisateurs de Mac OS peuvent accéder aux fonctions standard du touchpad (contrôle du curseur et clics) comme plug-and-play.

Click Here for Models and Accessories Information

Model #DescriptionSynnex SKU
GP415U-5321USB, Black Housing4925191
GP415P-5321PS/2, Black Housing
GP415P-5311PS/2, White Housing

Orbit Wireless Mobile Trackball

by Kensington

The Orbit Wireless Mobile Trackball from Kensington is a compact ambidextrous trackball mouse that provides the convenience of wireless in a small footprint. The compact size and wireless convenience make it a suitable solution for short-term mobile ...

The Orbit Wireless Mobile Trackball from Kensington is a compact ambidextrous trackball mouse that provides the convenience of wireless in a small footprint. The compact size and wireless convenience make it a suitable solution for short-term mobile usage or for users with small hands who may find other trackball options to be a bit large.

The Orbit Wireless Mobile Trackball is plug and play (no driver required). Buttons situated on the outer sides of the trackball housing provide access to Left and Right Clicks. Scrolling is available via dual Touch Scroll Zones that are positioned to the left and right of the compact 32 mm trackball. Functions can also be customized by installing and running the TrackballWorks software from Kensington. TrackballWorks offers button customization as well as cursor and scrolling speed adjustment options.

In order to extend battery life the wireless range is limited to 10 feet. Users are notified of necessary battery replacement by a low battery indicator light. A power switch further reduces unnecessary battery consumption. In step with the mobile focus of this product, the micro receiver can be conveniently housed in the body of the mouse during travel or storage.

Click Here for Models and Accessories Information

Model #DescriptionSynnex SKU
K72352WWOrbit Wireless Mobile Trackball
72352CAOrbit Wireless Mobile Trackball
(See New Model #: K72352WW)
72352Orbit Wireless Mobile Trackball
(See New Model #: K72352WW)

DXT Ergonomic Wireless Mouse 2

by City Ergonomics

The DXT Ergonomic Mouse 2 from City Ergonomics is a fingertip vertical mouse designed to enable the hand and wrist to adopt a relaxed vertical posture. Control of the mouse is achieved by using the small muscles and joints of the fingers as opposed t ...

The DXT Ergonomic Mouse 2 from City Ergonomics is a fingertip vertical mouse designed to enable the hand and wrist to adopt a relaxed vertical posture. Control of the mouse is achieved by using the small muscles and joints of the fingers as opposed to the larger muscle groups of the shoulder and arm. Since the fingertips provide much greater precision than the arm, this makes the DXT mouse suitable for those seeking precision and fine control. The DXT Ergonomic Mouse 2 features light click buttons to minimize the effort required for clicking. The unique ambidextrous design enables one to easily balance the workload between the left and right hands. The convenience of wireless encourages casual switching between right and left hand use.

The DXT Ergonomic Mouse 2 moves with minimal resistance, requiring nominal effort to accomplish effective cursor control. The weighted zinc base provides vertical stability and enhanced tactile feedback. There are four DPI (dots per inch) settings, further enhancing the sensitivity and increasing accuracy when performing fine cursor movements. This also facilitates greater control over the speed of the cursor when performing tasks requiring varying degrees of control. For extended battery life the DXT Wireless goes into "Sleep" mode after approximately 5 minutes of inactivity. The DXT Mouse 2 is also available as a Wired model.

Those with larger hands may wish to consider the DXT Mouse 3 models (wired or wireless). The DXT Sizing Chart can be used to determine whether a DXT 2 or DXT 3 mouse is more suitable.

La DXT Ergonomic Mouse 2 par City Ergonomics est une souris vertical fingertip qui est conçu pour permettre la main et le poignet de s'adopter à une position vertical relaxer. Contrôle du souris est atteint en utilisant les petits muscles et joints des doigts plutôt que du groupe des plus gros muscles de l' épaule et le bras. Puisque les bouts des doigts permet beaucoup plus de la sensibilité, contrôle, et information tactile que le bras, cela fait la souris DXT appropriée pour utilisateurs qui veulent le mouvement précise et plus fine. Les boutons sur la DXT Ergonomic Mouse 2 sont léger pour diminuer la force nécessaire pour faire un clic. Le design unique est aussi ambidextre, qui permet l`utilisateur de facilement balancé le travail entre la main gauche et droite. La commodité d'une souris sans fil permet le mouvement entre la main droite et gauche sans l'inconvéniance de réacheminer la corde.

La DXT Ergonomic Mouse 2 bouge avec de la résistance minimal, ce qui exige l`effort nominal pour obtenir le mouvement du curseur efficacement. La base est alourdie de zinc qui améliore la stabilité du position vertical. Cela améliore aussi l'information tactile. Il y a quatre paramètres de PPP (Points Par Pouces- aussi connu par DPI), qui en tourne renforce la sensibiliter et augement la précision durant la performance du mouvement précis. Cela permet l`utilisateur d`avoir encore plus de controle de la vitesse du curseur durant les tâches qui exigent avoir différentes degrés de controle. Pour prolonger la vie de la pile de la souris DXT Sans Fil, la souris va en mode veille après environ 5 minutes sans activiter. La souris DXT Ergonomic Mouse 2 est aussi disponible en modèle Wired

Click Here for Models and Accessories Information

Model #DescriptionSynnex SKU
PD7DXT-WRDXT Ergonomic Wireless Mouse 25170720

Orbit Trackball with Scroll Ring

by Kensington

The Orbit Trackball with Scroll Ring from Kensington is an ambidextrous alternative to traditional mice which require a constant grip to be used and a larger amount of space on the desktop. The 40 mm trackball features optical tracking for accuracy a ...

The Orbit Trackball with Scroll Ring from Kensington is an ambidextrous alternative to traditional mice which require a constant grip to be used and a larger amount of space on the desktop. The 40 mm trackball features optical tracking for accuracy and is centrally positioned for ease of movement by the fingers. Left and Right buttons are located adjacent to the ball, with the thumb and pinkie fingers naturally dropping into position over them. The convenient Scroll Ring surrounds the base of the trackball and provides fingertip control of scrolling, from line-by-line to speeding through pages. The optional TrackballWorks programming software permits customization or reassignment of the buttons and offers advanced scrolling control options.The Orbit Trackball with Scroll Ring is sized to best fit the needs of small to average sized hands. Users with larger hands may wish to consider one of the larger trackball options.

Click Here for Models and Accessories Information

Model #DescriptionSynnex SKU
K72337WWOrbit Trackball with Scroll Ring
(Replaced by: K72337WW)
Orbit Trackball with Scroll Ring
72337Orbit Trackball with Scroll Ring
(Replaced by either : K72337US or K72337WW)

Expert Mouse Wireless Trackball

by Kensington

Kensington has taken their venerable Expert Mouse Optical to a new level with the new Expert Mouse Wireless Trackball. Longtime or novice trackball users now have the freedom of wireless available in a full-size trackball with the ad ...

Kensington has taken their venerable Expert Mouse Optical to a new level with the new Expert Mouse Wireless Trackball. Longtime or novice trackball users now have the freedom of wireless available in a full-size trackball with the additional option of selecting whether to connect via Bluetooth 4.0 LE or traditional 2.4 GHZ wireless using a USB nano receiver. This unique dual-connection feature makes the Expert Mouse Wireless Trackball a good choice for those with a limited number of USB ports or who wish to use the trackball on multiple systems, employing Bluetooth on one and using the RF Receiver on a second or non-Bluetooth compatible system.

The Expert Mouse Wireless Trackball employs Diamond Eye optical technology for smooth, precise tracking and features the well-known Kensington Scroll Ring for quick scroll access on web pages and within lengthy documents. Four large buttons provide easy access to primary functions and can be easily customized to personal preferences through the Kensington TrackballWorks software. The ambidextrous design easily accommodates both right and left-handed use and includes a detachable rest to aid users in maintaining a more ergonomic neutral wrist alignment.

Click Here for Models and Accessories Information

Model #DescriptionSynnex SKU
K72359WWKensington Expert Mouse Wireless Trackball
72359Kensington Expert Mouse Wireless Trackball
(See New Model #: K72359WW)

Easy Cat USB AG Touchpad

by Cirque Corporation

The Easy Cat USB AG Touchpad from Cirque Corporation offers highly responsive and virtually effortless cursor control and click activation. The low profile also virtually eliminates the potential for wrist extension and the ambidextrous design accomm ...

The Easy Cat USB AG Touchpad from Cirque Corporation offers highly responsive and virtually effortless cursor control and click activation. The low profile also virtually eliminates the potential for wrist extension and the ambidextrous design accommodates use with either hand for those who wish to spread the load between hands. Cursor control is accomplished by lightly sliding the fingertip over the surface and requires no pressure. Cursor tracking with the Easy Cat is accurate and reliable - always following the "point of first contact", unlike other less-advanced touchpad devices that can have difficulty when a second contact is accidentally made. Generation of both left and right clicks is accomplished by lifting the finger clear of the touchpad and then lightly touching the surface to perform a click. Right clicks must be performed in a triangle in the upper right of the touchpad, identified by both colour and texture. Vertical scroll is supported via a vertical scroll area on the right edge. The AG (Advanced Gestures) model incorporates both single and multi-finger gestures providing quick access to Pinch Zoom, Scroll/Pan and other actions.

The Easy Cat AG offers both single and multi-finger gestures to provide quick access to standard functions of left and right clicking, zoom, scroll, pan and as well as other actions. The Easy Cat AG is also equipped with 2 mechanical buttons that by default perform standard left and right clicks but which can also be programmed to complete custom commands or functions.

Note: Multi-finger gestures and custom programming are only available with the Windows OS GlidePoint driver installed. Those operating Mac OS can access standard touchpad features of cursor control and clicking as plug-and-play functions.

Those looking for a larger touchsurface area, expanded functionality, and a broader range of touch-activated command options may be interested in considering the Smart Cat AG or Smart Cat Pro AG touchpads.

Le Easy Cat USB AG Touchpad de Cirque Corporation offre un contrôle du curseur et une activation des clics très réactifs et pratiquement sans effort. Son profil bas élimine pratiquement tout risque d'extension du poignet et sa conception ambidextre permet de l'utiliser avec l'une ou l'autre main pour ceux qui souhaitent divisé les tâches entre les deux mains. Le contrôle du curseur s'effectue par un léger glissement du bout du doigt sur la surface et ne nécessite aucune pression. Le suivi du curseur avec l'Easy Cat est précis et fiable - il suit toujours le "point de premier contact", contrairement à d'autres touchpads moins avancés qui peuvent rencontrer des difficultés lorsqu'un deuxième contact est accidentellement établi. Les clics gauche et droit sont générés en soulevant le doigt du touchpad et en touchant légèrement la surface pour faire un clic. Les clics droits doivent être fait dans un triangle situé en haut à droite du touchpad, identifié par sa couleur et sa texture. Le défilement vertical est pris en charge par une zone de défilement vertical sur le bord droit. Le modèle AG (Advanced Gestures) intègre des gestes à un ou plusieurs doigts qui permettent d'accéder rapidement aux fonctions Pinch Zoom, Scroll/Pan et à d'autres actions.

L'Easy Cat AG offre des gestes à un ou plusieurs doigts pour permettre un accès rapide aux fonctions standard de clic gauche et droit, de zoom, de défilement, de panoramique et d'autres actions. L'Easy Cat AG est également équipé de deux boutons mécaniques qui, par défaut, font les clics gauche et droit standard, mais qui peuvent également être programmés pour compléter des commandes ou des fonctions personnalisées.

Veuillez noter: Les gestes à plusieurs doigts et la programmation personnalisée ne sont disponibles que si le pilote GlidePoint de Windows OS est installé. Les utilisateurs de Mac OS peuvent accéder aux fonctions standard du touchpad (contrôle du curseur et clics) comme plug-and-play.

Ceux qui recherchent une surface à touche plus grande, des fonctionnalités étendues et une gamme plus large d'options de commandes activées par le toucher peuvent être intéressés par les touchpad Smart Cat AG ou le Smart Cat Pro AG .

Click Here for Models and Accessories Information

Model #DescriptionSynnex SKU
GP160U-0321USB, Black housing, Grey overlay4925193
GP160U-0821USB, Black housing, Black overlay


by Pretorian

The BLUELINE Joystick from Pretorian is a technology-access device that connects via Bluetooth to any Apple devices with iOS13.4.1 onwards, Android devices, or other computing devices that have Bluetooth support, either internally or via an add-on bl ...

The BLUELINE Joystick from Pretorian is a technology-access device that connects via Bluetooth to any Apple devices with iOS13.4.1 onwards, Android devices, or other computing devices that have Bluetooth support, either internally or via an add-on bluetooth receiver dongle. The USB-rechargeable battery can provide up to 15 hours of continuous use. The BLUELINE Joystick is designed for those who may have limited hand control or strength, motor skill difficulties, poor hand-eye coordination, and lack of manual dexterity and offers excellent cursor control as well as up to 5 programmable button functions (3 on-board, 2 optional external). This functionality is packaged in a sturdy housing designed to survive under heavy use. The three on-board activation buttons are coloured and recessed to help guide the fingers into position. The symmetrical design makes this joystick suited for use with either hand by simply reprogramming the on-board switch configuration with the raised body providing support for the wrist.

The design of the BLUELINE Joystick offers precision control and requires minimal hand movement and just 0.5 Newtons of force to initiate cursor movement. The cursor moves very slowly when the joystick is minimally displaced from centre, permitting extremely accurate cursor positioning. As the displacement is increased the cursor accelerates to the chosen maximum speed (4 settings available). The adjustable maximum cursor speed also lets the BLUELINE Joystick be configured to serve the needs of those who may have limitations related to fine motor control, with the lowest cursor speed offering a greater level of control in that application. The joystick ships with the standard joystick, a T-Bar handle, or a soft-grip ball for configuration to meet personal requirements.

Three on-board buttons provide basic functions (primary functions vary with device) but are also custom programmable to perform a wide range of optional functions. The middle button is a lighter shade than the left and right buttons for easier identification. Dual mini-phono jacks also permit the attachment of external switches that can also be programmed. Available commands include Left Click, Right Click, Middle Click, Drag, Double Click, Delayed Drag, Swipe Left, and Swipe Right. Additional features and customization are also available. For full details on the available functions, customization of commands, and setup of the BLUELINE Joystick please read the User Manual.

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