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Classic Gel PlusPad

by Softworqs

When employed correctly as a palm support, the Softworqs PlusPad provides a resilient palm support which still compresses sufficiently to eliminate pressure points beneath the palm (or heel of the hands). At 5" wide by 2.75" deep, the area is suffici ...

When employed correctly as a palm support, the Softworqs PlusPad provides a resilient palm support which still compresses sufficiently to eliminate pressure points beneath the palm (or heel of the hands). At 5" wide by 2.75" deep, the area is sufficient to allow even very large hands to rest when positioned in the middle. PlusPads are ideal for use with touchpads where the palm can rest on a slightly elevated (0.75" high) support and let the fingers curl down to the touchpad surface.

The gel core is covered with low-friction Lycra that permits the hand to move across the surface with minimal effort. The underside of the PlusPad is an anti-skid material that keeps the pad in place on the worksurface.

Note: We are unable to offer our 30 Day Customer Satisfaction Guarantee on this product.

Lorsqu'il est utilisé correctement comme support de paume, le Softworqs PlusPad fournit un support de paume résilient qui compresse suffisamment pour éliminer les points de pression sous la paume (ou le talon des mains). À 5po de large par 2,75po de profondeur, la zone est suffisante pour permettre aux mains même très grandes de se reposer lorsqu'elles sont placées au centre. Les PlusPlus sont idéaux pour les souris touchpads où la paume de la main peut reposer sur un support légèrement élevé (0,75po) et laisser les doigts s'enrouler jusqu'à la surface du touchpad.

Le gel est recouvert de Lycra qui permet à la main de se déplacer sur la surface avec un effort et friction minimal. Le dessous du PlusPad est un matériau antidérapant qui maintient le Pad en place sur la surface de travail.

Veuillez Noter: Ce produit n`est pas couvert sous notre Guarantie de Satisfaction du Client(èle) de 30 Jours.

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Model #DescriptionSynnex SKU
SMP40NBNavy Blue

Keyboard Gel Palm Rest

by Softworqs

When employed correctly as a palm rest, the Softworqs Keyboard Gel Palm Rest provides resilient support for the palms, yet still compresses sufficiently to eliminate pressure points beneath the palm (or heel of the hands). Keeping the palms elevated ...

When employed correctly as a palm rest, the Softworqs Keyboard Gel Palm Rest provides resilient support for the palms, yet still compresses sufficiently to eliminate pressure points beneath the palm (or heel of the hands). Keeping the palms elevated reduces the potential for the wrists to drop into a position of wrist extension, with the associated risk of injury to the wrists or forearms. At 26.75" wide by 2" deep the palm rest is wide enough to provide support during both keyboard and mouse usage. The 0.75" height will work with most standard membrane or mechanical switch keyboards. Those with very low profile scissor-switch keyboards should consider a lower profile palm support that better matches the height of their keyboard.

The Keyboard Gel Palm Rest serves to keep the wrist elevated towards a more neutral position, assisting in the avoidance of injury to the wrist or forearms that can develop from sustained wrist extension.

The gel core is covered with one of two finishes. The low-friction Lycra model permits the hand to move across the surface with minimal effort while the Leatherette model is easily cleanable. The underside of the Keyboard Gel Palm Rest is an anti-skid material that keeps the rest in place on the worksurface.

Note: We are unable to offer our 30 Day Customer Satisfaction guarantee on this product.

Lorsqu'il est utilisé correctement en tant que repose-pour paume, le Keyboard Gel Palm Rest de Softworqs offre un soutien résilient aux paumes, tout en permettant une compression suffisante pour éliminer les points de pression situés sous la paume (ou le talon des mains). Maintenir les paumes des mains élevées réduit le risque d`avoir les poignets dans une position d'extension, avec le risque associé de blessure aux poignets ou aux avant-bras. Avec une largeur de 26.75po par 2po, le repose-poignets est suffisamment large pour offrir un support lors de l'utilisation avec un clavier aussi qu`une souris. La hauteur de 0.75po fonctionnera avec la plupart des claviers à interrupteurs membranes ou mécaniques. Les utilisateurs de claviers avec interrupteurs ciseaux/chiclet qui ont des profils très bas doivent considerer un support de paume plus bas qui correspond mieux à la hauteur de leur clavier.

Le Keyboard Gel Palm Rest maintient le poignet surélevé vers une position plus neutre, ce qui aide à éviter les blessure du poignet ou des avant-bras qui peuvent se développer par extension du poignet.

Le gel est recouvert d'une des deux matériaux. Le modèle Lycra permet à la main de se déplacer sur la surface avec un effort & friction minimal, tandis que le modèle en similicuir est facile à nettoyer. Le dessous du Keyboard Gel Palm Rest est un matériau antidérapant qui maintient le Palm Rest en place sur la surface de travail.

Veuillez noter: Ce produit n`est pas couvert sous notre Guarantie de Satisfaction du Client(èle) de 30 Jours.

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Model #DescriptionSynnex SKU
SWR48LGel Palm Support, Leatherette Cover, 26.75" W
SWR48BKGel Palm Support, Lycra Cover, 26.75" W

Gel Plus Palm Pads

by Softworqs

The versatile and portable Gel Plus Palm Pads from Softworqs provide occasional palm support whenever it is needed. The palm pads are available in translucent colours (see Price and Availability table for details), or covered in Lycra fabric (see Cla ...

The versatile and portable Gel Plus Palm Pads from Softworqs provide occasional palm support whenever it is needed. The palm pads are available in translucent colours (see Price and Availability table for details), or covered in Lycra fabric (see Classic Gel PlusPad).

Note: We are unable to offer our 30 Day Customer Satisfaction guarantee on this product.

Click Here for Models and Accessories Information

Model #DescriptionSynnex SKU
STMP40DGTranslucent, dark green
STMP40GTranslucent, green
STMP40YTranslucent, yellow
STMP40RTranslucent, red. (MOQ: 500 units)

Elite / Natural Gel Palm Rest

by Softworqs

This palm rest is specifically contoured to fit 19" Microsoft Elite and Natural keyboards (it cannot flex to fit the contours of other keyboards). A unique adjustable incline facilitates personalized palm positioning while the gel permits a more natu ...

This palm rest is specifically contoured to fit 19" Microsoft Elite and Natural keyboards (it cannot flex to fit the contours of other keyboards). A unique adjustable incline facilitates personalized palm positioning while the gel permits a more natural fluid wrist motion for healthy computing. A non-skid base prevents undesired movement.
Note: Due to the nature of this product we cannot offer our 30 day customer satisfaction guarantee on this product.

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Model #DescriptionSynnex SKU
15ELBKElite / Natural Gel Palm Rest

MouseCatcher Gel Mousing Surface

by Softworqs

The MouseCatcher Gel Mousing Surface from Softworqs is designed to provide a degree of fall protection for mice. A raised 0.25" high lip wraps around 2 sides of the pad to provide protection at both the rear and outside edges of a keyboard tray. The ...

The MouseCatcher Gel Mousing Surface from Softworqs is designed to provide a degree of fall protection for mice. A raised 0.25" high lip wraps around 2 sides of the pad to provide protection at both the rear and outside edges of a keyboard tray. The lip is intended to keep the mouse from falling from keyboard trays that are not equipped with protective guards and is especially valuable where trays are positioned at a negative angle. The thin gel core provides cushioning for the hand and wrist while still being firm enough to ensure accurate tracking. The MouseCatcher is covered with Lycra that facilitates easy movement of the mouse and reduces contact friction on the forearm, wrist and hand. The softly rounded edges soften the transition from tray surface to mouse pad.

The MouseCatcher Gel Mousing Surface is just 0.25” thick with the additional 0.25" high lip wrapping around two edges. This means that it can serve equally well for both Left- and Right-handed mousing. The non-skid backing ensures that the mouse pad remains securely in place on the desk top.

Note: We are unable to offer our 30 Day Customer Satisfaction Guarantee on this product.

NOTE: The compact dimensions and the raised lip at the rear and side of the MouseCatcher can interfere with the free movement of some wired mice or those with large footprints such as the Penguin Mouse or Handshoe Mouse. As a result the MouseCatcher is not recommended for use with these types of products.

Le MouseCatcher Gel Mousing Surface de Softworqs est conçue avec un degré de protection pour éviter la souris de tomber. Le bord surélevée de 0,25po de hauteur entoure 2 côtés de cette surface. Les bords sont conçue pour empêcher la souris de tomber particulièrement lorsque les plateaux de clavier (keyboard tray) sont placés à un angle négatif. Le milieu est fait en gel, ce qui donne un effet de coussin à la main et au poignet tout en restant suffisamment solide pour assurer un suivi précis du curseur. Le MouseCatcher est recouvert de Lycra qui facilite les mouvements de la souris et réduit les frictions de contact sur l'avant-bras, le poignet et la main. Les bords légèrement arrondis adoucissent la transition de la surface du plateau au tapis de souris.

La surface de la MouseCatcher Gel Mousing Surface a une épaisseur de 0,25po, aussi qu`un bord élevé de 0,25 po sur les deux côtés. Cela signifie qu’elle peut servir aussi bien pour la souris à la main gauche qu’à la main droite. Le support antidérapant aide le tapis de souris pour rester solidement en place sur le bureau.

Veuillez noter: Ce produit n`est pas couvert sous notre Guarantie de Satisfaction du Client(èle) de 30 Jours.

Veuillez aussi noter: Les dimensions compactes, aussi que le bord élevé à l'arrière et sur les côtés du MouseCatcher peuvent empêcher le libre mouvement de certaines souris avec fil ou de celles avec de grandes empreintes telles que la Penguin Mouse ou la Handshoe Mouse. En conséquence, l'utilisation de MouseCatcher n'est pas recommandée avec ces types de produits.

Click Here for Models and Accessories Information

Model #DescriptionSynnex SKU
SMP0763Softworqs MouseCatcher Gel Mousing Surface, Black

Keyboard Gel Palm Rest with Keyboard Pad

by Softworqs

This palm rest with keyboard pad is 18.5" Wide x 10" Deep x 1" High, the wrist rest itself is 3" Deep. This product can support your palms when taking short breaks between typing. NOTE: Never rest your 'wrists' on a rest as this cuts off blood flow, ...

This palm rest with keyboard pad is 18.5" Wide x 10" Deep x 1" High, the wrist rest itself is 3" Deep. This product can support your palms when taking short breaks between typing. NOTE: Never rest your 'wrists' on a rest as this cuts off blood flow, only support your palms.

The non-skid base on the pad prevents your keyboard from moving on the worksurface or relative to the palm support.

Due to the nature of this product we cannot offer our 30 day customer satisfaction guarantee on this product.

Click Here for Models and Accessories Information

Model #DescriptionSynnex SKU
SWR-ICKeyboard Gel Palm Rest with KeyboardPad


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